Frequently asked questions

How long does it take for my water to get a full charge on the coaster?

Charging your water overnight is long enough to get an energetic charge that you can feel when you drink it the next morning. If you always save a little bit of water from the night before it will act as 'seed' water and will structure any water you pour into the bottle on top of it. In my opinion, the longer the water is left on the charger, the more I can feel the energy. After about 24 hours I believe the water reaches full saturation, but 12 hours is sufficient to receive the energies from the water, and I will even put things I am drinking now, like milk or other uncharged beverages on the coaster and within 20 minutes I can tell a difference.

Do I have to take it off to shower?

Although it may be a good idea to increase the longevity of your jewellery to remove it when you shower, it is not necessary in my experience. I shower with both my pendant and bracelet on and they have never come apart on me. The elastic is used for the bracelets holds up really well under circumstances that your normal jewellery would not. I do not recommend taking the bracelets into the sauna, however, as this has a tendency to temporarily stretch the elastic from overheating. The pendants, however, can be worn anywhere and will not come apart under any circumstances. They are very strong and the nylon cord they are strung on has been burned together so as make a single knot that will not come apart.